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Steven Lang
Steven Lang
President & CEO
My role is to clearly establish the vision for the company and be a steward of our culture. I guide, motivate and inspire the best out of our team as we look for new ways to better serve our clients.
As a leader, I need to navigate change in order to stay at the forefront of our evolving business model to accommodate constant market changes. To succeed, we need to constantly evaluate the situation, take calculated risks, and be life learners always seeking something new to discover and uncover.
I grew up playing football and know the power of a strong team that builds on individual strengths and works together towards a common goal. I joined dancker for the opportunity of hands on learning from a group of talented professionals. Today, I still enjoy getting on the field with the team, getting my hands dirty, learning from our mistakes, and celebrating our wins.
In business I believe in always doing the right thing, no matter what. We have grown our business by being trusted advisers to our clients who come to us for innovative solutions to their problems.
I have tried to instill in my children what I have found to be the key to my success: the power of positive thinking, working hard and being a team player.
Started in Industry: 1995
Joined dancker: 1997