Bill Sutton’s article “How teams design workplace to match organizational culture” in the Sports Business Journal promotes a sentiment that organizations from all industries can relate to: to get the most out of your employees, you need to motivate and engage them. Motivation can be accomplished in a multitude of ways, but the Minnesota Lynx and Miami Dolphins decided to invest in a redesign of their office spaces and make their employees feel like the sports stars they once aspired to be.

These organizations invested in their space by making it an extension of their culture. The Lynx turned their business operations space into a state-of-the-art locker room equipped with a movie theater, practice courts, and beverage coolers. The Dolphins gave each of their employees a brand-new locker with their name on it, implemented a coffee bar, and a new lunch program.

A space redesign doesn’t have to be this drastic (or expensive), but companies should make an effort to match the culture and vision they are trying to promote within their own physical space. If your own employees don’t love the company they work for, how are you going to make clients, partners, or fans love your company?

Our vision at dancker is to help our clients change the way they use their space to enhance their organizational performance. For nearly 200 years, we have grown our business in response to the changing nature of work. Today it’s more than picking the right desk and chairs. It’s about collaboration, engagement, and creating spaces that inspire and unite your teams to perform at their best.

Whether it’s a professional sports team, or a small startup company, your space should match your company’s culture and remind employees of the company’s vision. When that happens, productivity and business results are soon to follow.

To read Sutton’s article, click here!