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Kevin Klier
Kevin Klier
A strong business acumen and an ease with numbers, combined with strategic thinking, describes my biggest strengths in running a business. Our clients look to us for innovative business solutions so we need to constantly grow and improve our business to serve them.
I love to teach and to coach. To build a strong team and see them grow and succeed. It’s a blessing to really love what I do and to be surrounded by great people.
After college, I wanted to take a long trip to Europe like every other kid. My dad, a big influence in my life who taught me a strong work ethic, convinced me I needed to start working instead. Luckily my wife and I finally made it to Italy to celebrate our 25th anniversary.
I get energized by spending time with my family. My wife, an accomplished chef, and I love to host holidays and regular get togethers with friends. We’re also very proud our sons have the same family focus!
Started in the Industry: 1988
Joined Dancker: 2014