
The Digital Workplace Should Shape Up or Ship Out

Workplace technology still lags behind consumer technology trends — no surprises there. But the impact this disconnect is having on…

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Ideas from education, art and hospitality are reshaping workplace design

Every day, companies are introducing new ideas, strategies and technologies that change how and where we work. Each year, new…

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This Is the Future: Workplaces that Make You Healthier

When McKesson decided to revamp its headquarters in Richmond, Va., it knew it was time for a radical change. The…

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green seating area

Companies are Competing Hard to ‘Win’ at This Office Design Trend

Wacky office perk saturation seems to have hit. The shock value quirkily designed offices might be on its way out.…

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An Office That Moves People

Inspired to re-envision your workplace? At JLL, we are in the midst of our own major headquarters refresh in Chicago’s…

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