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Viewpoint: The Struggle for Presence Equity is Real
The full article was originally published in Systems Contractor News, on December 21, 2022.
Written by Kevin Klier, President at dancker
Presence equity is not a new idea, but it has become more critical for companies to master if they wish to remain competitive in attracting and retaining talent. By creating presence equity, everyone participating in a meeting has access to the information being shared, and can be seen and heard whether they’re in the room or working remotely. Better hybrid experiences result in better work.
Employees need choice and control over where and how they work. By offering a variety of space types for employees, they can find the privacy or collaboration tools like videoconferencing solutions that will allow them to do their best work.
To achieve presence equity, remote workers must also be supported with access to the same tools and resources as in office employees. Ergonomic chairs, work tools, and videoconferencing kits can help improve the work experience for all.
To read the full article and learn more about achieving presence equity in the world of hybrid work, click here.
Kevin Klier, President |